Treatable Conditions
What can be treated by Acupuncture?
Theoretically, acupuncture and herbal medicine together can treat all health problems. But since the conventional medicine are very effective in treating many health problems, acupuncture and herbal medicine become secondary. However, in treating certain health problems, acupuncture and herbal medicine still remain as first choice for treatment or would improve the result if combining both conventional and Chinese medicine. The advantage of acupuncture is that it is a natural healing process. Without taking medication, it helps the body to rid itself of disease and minimize the side effects of medication. The following conditions can be treated by acupuncture effectively:
Musculoskeletal Symptoms
Sprains and Strains | Back Pain | Arthritis |
Neck and Shoulder Pain | Tendinitis | Bursitis |
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | Tennis Elbow | Fibromyalgia |
Neurological Symptoms
Stroke Paralysis | Facial Paralysis | Sciatica |
Pinched Nerve | Headache/Migraine | Neuritis |
Neck and facial Spasm | Trigeminalneuralgia |
Emotional Symptoms
Depresstion | Stress | Anxiety |
Respiratory Symptoms
Common Cold and Flu | Asthma | Sinusitis |
Cough | Rhinitis |
Gynecological Symptoms
PMS | Painful Menses | Irregular Menses |
Menopause | Amonorrhea | Fibroid |
Pregnant Nausea and Vomiting |
Gastro-Intestinal Symptoms
Gastritis | Constipation | Diarrhea |
Colitis | Gallstone |
Skin Symptoms
Shingle | Acne | Neurodermatitis |
Allergy |
Acupuncture is very effective in reducing the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. It can strengthen the body's immune system and enhance the energy level.
Stop smoking | Alcohol and Drug Addiction | Weight Control |
Chronic Fatigue | Impotence | Infertility |