Doctor Fei Yi
Doctor Fei Yi
Needles and herbs for your health
Doctor Fei Yi
Doctor Fei Yi was a medical doctor in China. He is a licensed Acupuncturist in Massachusetts and also National Board certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. He graduated from Guangzhou Medical College in China in 1984 and worked as an internal physician in the same medical teaching hospital school.
Since Chinese medicine is used very much in conjunction with the western medicine in taking care of health problems in China, he built up a solid foundation in his early practice years. In addition, he studied and practiced acupuncture and herbal medicine in The Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital of Guangdong Province with Doctor Luang Chu Jing, chairperson of the Acupuncture Department and well known lecturer in China.
Since coming to the United States, Dr. Yi has worked as a research fellow at Harvard Medical School teaching hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital for a number of years. At the same time, he also received his Masters Degree in Acupuncture from the New England School of Acupuncture. He started full time acupuncture practice in 1993. Because of Doctor Yi’s background in both western and eastern medicine, it gives him a better opportunity to integrate the east to the west.