
Compliance standards

Weymouth Acupuncture complies to the following controls established by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Health care providers must meet the following four standards related to patient safety.

Health care providers must have a process for screening patients and companions for symptoms of or known exposure to COVID-19 prior to entering the office/facility.

Health care providers must have policies and procedures for screening patients in advance of a service or procedure, including policies and procedures to facilitate the testing of patients for COVID-19 when medically appropriate as well as for determining whether a procedure should go forward if a patient tests positive.

Health care providers must develop policies permitting patient companions only in special circumstances when necessary for the patient’s well-being. Special circumstances and populations may include end-of-life care, prenatal care, pediatric patients, behavioral health patients, patients with intellectual or developmental disabilities, patients with physical disabilities, or populations as otherwise identified by DPH. Health care providers must also ensure that policies address patient visitors consistent with DPH guidance. These policies must be accessible to patients seeking care.

Health care providers must require that all patients, companions, and visitors wear mouth and nose coverings as consistent with DPH guidance.1 However, the health care provider may consider waiving the requirement for mask and nose coverings for patients and/or companions in special circumstances consistent with applicable guidance.

Infection Control

Health care providers must meet the following four standards related to infection control.

Health care providers must demonstrate adherence to social distancing and relevant guidelines from DPH and CDC regarding infection control and prevention to maintain a safe environment for patients and staff.

Health care providers must adopt administrative and environmental controls that facilitate social distancing, such as minimizing time in waiting areas, including by asking patients to wait outside until their appointment begins to the greatest extent possible. For any waiting patients, social distancing and face coverings must be in place.

Health care providers must minimize contact between patients through scheduling, such as establishing different times of day or separate space to avoid possible exposure to COVID-19.

Health care providers must have signage to emphasize public health measures (i.e., distancing, coughing etiquette, wearing of face coverings, and hand hygiene) and must provide access to hand sanitizer for patients and staff.

Health care providers must have an established plan for thorough cleaning and disinfection of all common and procedural areas, including in-between patient encounters in treatment rooms, which may require hiring environmental services staff and reducing patient hours to allow for more frequent cleaning.